Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Late, Do You Know Where Your Coney Is?

It's 1:30 am and we are finally finished with a huge event (insert plug for Second Helping here).  My feet are sore, I'm exhausted.  The logical choice would be to go home right?  Absolutely not, a hard night's work deserves a late night snack.  This one is coming from Lafayette Coney Island established in 1917.  There's been a lot of publicity surrounding this Detroit sensation lately.  I finally get to see what the fuss is all about.

I made the trek after a great fundraising event (hope you all can make it next year - plug#2).  That's besides the point.  First of all, 1:30am at Lafayette is quite the event.  Sitting at a long table in the middle of the restaurant, we were joined by an artist, musician and a host of characters.  Across the room a dressed up crew sitting next to a table of what appears to be a band fresh from a gig who may give my friends a run for their money on the volume.  All of this is part of the greatness that is Lafayette Coney Island.

The cheese fries are like none other.  I'm not gonna like, I'm a fan of the processed cheese sauce, but the globs of real cheese melted across piping hot french fries.  Yum!  Words cannot express.  These are the best cheese fries that I have had.  Perfect pick me up for the early morning hours.  The coney had a bit of a kick, the chili was a bit different than what I am use to, but I guess that's what makes it special.  There is absolutely nothing like a great coney island hot dog.  I love that snap of the bite and piled high with all the right fixings...onions and mustard.

Lafayette is worth the trip if you haven't taken it yet.  I do know about the neighbor and I will make my way there, but this is all about one coney island.  Your turn...sound off!